The Uncertainty Mindset 2019-2020

A newsletter project by Vaughn Tan (book | homepage | Twitter | Instagram).

If you've arrived here from an external site and want to know what's going on—or if you've become disoriented in this garden of forking paths—you can always go to the index page, the topic list, or the issue list.

Feel free to get in touch (especially if you find a broken link) or sign up for the newsletter.


Vaughn Tan3rd January 2021 at 2:00pm

Draft-y, imperfect, half-baked stuff that's useful for clarifying thinking and identifying audiences—very different from finished, polished output. Fear of failure, avoidance of discomfort and other dumb emotional hangups often prevent us from publishing or circulating work-in-progress as a way to learn and respond to uncertainty.

See also: books, Boris, design, desperation by design, discomfort, forcing function, motivation, negative capability, open-endedness, product, productive discomfort, strategy, writing.