The Uncertainty Mindset 2019-2020

A newsletter project by Vaughn Tan (book | homepage | Twitter | Instagram).

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#43: A new market of ideas

vaughn2nd January 2021 at 3:07pm

This issue is about markets for ideas and why the current model of book publishing cannot cope with uncertainty in content and audience. Alternative publishing business models might

  1. Focus on the higher-uncertainty parts of the conventional publishing value proposition: a) finding authors; b) developing embryonic content into monetizable product; c) producing normally unviable content,
  2. Reduce the cost of the lower-uncertainty parts of the conventional publishing value proposition—like production and distribution—by using non-legacy workflows and processes,
  3. Concentrate on a long-term view of audience development by finding and developing book content that appeals to diverse, fragmented, and/or emerging audiences,
  4. Explore both traditional and non-traditional formats for releasing said content, such as writing,
  5. Develop book content and marketing through aggressively monetizing work-in-progress,
  6. Build book-level business models around the expectation of monetizing both intermediate and final work product.

You can find it here: #43: A new market of ideas